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How you can help.

There is no singular answer to this question, there are multiple actions you can take to keep a sustainable world.

Some ways include:

  • Saving energy to reduce the amount of carbon emissions

  • use reusable alternatives to replace harmful products such as plastic bags

  • use renewable energy to prevent Co2 emissions

  • grow your own produce like food,

  • don't use as much paper to prevent deforestation which is killing animals habitats and our environment.

  • Save energy. By using less energy, you can help to reduce carbon emissions. 

  • Eat less meat. 

  • Use reusable alternatives. 

  • Go paperless. 

  • Use renewable energy. 

  • Recycle and reuse. 

  • Grow your own produce. 

  • Donate unused items.

The more people we get to follow these steps to sustainable living, the better and cleaner we can make our environment. There are charity's you can donate to that are taking massive steps forward to living a sustainable world. These charity's need your help though. You can donate to help them with their steps. 

Spread the word.: Donate

Getting a good point across to the world

What this means is you can protest against large companies to make their packaging and products environmentally friendly and harmless to the world's climate. You can get your point across to big groups of people by organising an event, as said on this page, or planning a fundraiser also mentioned elsewhere on this page.


Planning a Fundraiser

Planning a fundraiser is amazing and helpful, to raise money, the money can be sent off to big charity's to battle plastic waste usage and many other harmful things. Sustainable funds are those that use environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) criteria to evaluate investments or assess their societal impact. They may pursue a sustainability-related theme or explicitly aim to create measurable social impact.

Donation Boxes

Organizing an Event

Organizing an event is a great way to spread awareness to large crowds, tell them things they are doing wrong, if they are helping the worlds state or not, and how they can improve to keep their planet liveable. 

How to organise a sustainable event

  1. Start thinking. Going green doesn't need to be a headache, especially if you plan ahead. 

  2. Start planning. Take your event to the next level and set realistic sustainability goals for the business. 

  3. Involve your supply chain. 

  4. Start simple, go paperless. 

  5. Catering. 

  6. Venue – transportation and location. 

  7. Event waste. 

  8. Event production.

Spread the word.: Take Action
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